Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Minimalistic Text (donate) v2.11.7.4 Apk

Minimalistic Text (donate) v2.11.7.4 Apk is one of minimalist text widget applications that will beautify the front of the screen in addition to your Android device, Minimalistic Text app will also provide various information that you need at any time in a minimalist way. This application can be configured as you like to display the time, date, battery status and weather information. For any layout you can customize the widget through the layout editor.

Minimalistic Text is heavily inspired by BattStat and Clockr but adds extreme flexibility.

 Supported languages:
 * English
 * Danish
 * German
 * Greek
 * Dutch
 * Polish
 * Norwegian
 * French
 * Croatian
 * Serbian
 * Czech
 * Spanish
 * Estonian
 * Italian
 * Portuguese
 * Hungarian
 * Russian
 * Swedish
 * Simplified Chinese
 * Traditional Chinese
 * Slovak
 * Afrikaans
 * Slovenian

 Explanations for the permission requests:
 ** android.permission.VIBRATE **
 used in the layout editor to give feedback that an item has been dragged
 ** android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION **
 used by the weather service to get your coarse location and retrieve the weather for it
 ** android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE **
 needed to determine if the weather data can be fetched
 ** android.permission.INTERNET **
 needed to actually retrieve the weather data and to get the name of the location you are
 ** android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED **
 needed to be able to wait until the phone booted before initializing
 ** android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE **
 to gain access to your SD card and save the preferences to it
 ** android.permission.GET_TASKS **
 used to determine if the home screen is currently active. This is used by the automatic rendering option
 ** android.permission.CHANGE_COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE **
 To enable / disable widget sizes
 ** android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE **
 To support WiFi variables
 ** android.permission.READ_CALENDAR **
 To support calendar events
 ** com.android.vending.BILLING **
 To support In-App donation

 >>Donate App<<
 If you have the donate app installed then you will get early access to new features.

 To get the donate app search for "Minimalistic Text (donate)" in the market or at android pit.

 If you have any problems, write me an email!

 APP2SD (especially hacks) is a very very bad idea for a widget. It has a reason that Minimalistic Text doesn't offer this feature! The home screen get's loaded before the SD card is mounted. Keep this in mind!

 Please don't use the comments for feature requests or bugs. You can write me an email (develmil@googlemail.com). (Of course you still can rate lower due to bugs or missing features)

 Tasker integration:
 1) add a Locale variable to your layout and set the variable name (click it)
 2) in Tasker select Plugins -> Minimalistic Text for an action
 3) Click "Edit", a new activity starts
 4) enter the name of the variable and the text that should be displayed for this variable (you can use Tasker variables)

 minimal, minimalistic, text, battery, weather, date, style, home screen, widget

 Wiki: wiki.devmil.de

 Recent changes:
 - Data usage variables (donators for now)
 - added underline support
 - added In-App donation
 - updated translations
 - improved calendar resource usage
 - added Korean translation
 - new icon
 - Day suffix fixed
 - drastically improved Layout Editor performance for ICS devices
 - added next alarm (for donators)
 - Roman numbers (for donators)
 - Screen-Off-Updates (donators for now)
 - Fixes a Tasker update problem
 Less description »

Direct Download

Download Minimalistic Text (donate) v2.11.7.4 Apk

silvi mega 25 Jun, 2013

Source: http://apk-net.blogspot.com/2013/06/minimalistic-text-donate-v21174-apk.html
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